This cake was for a surprise 60th Birthday for a horse lover. The client asked that her mother appear on the cake, leading a horse. So... I pulled out the modeling chocolate for my 2nd attempt at making a horse for a cake. All in all, I'm pleased with how the cake turned out. But I do have to admit that my favorite part of this cake is the horse itself. It represents so much to me.
My journey with sculpting began when I was 12 years old. I met a woman that lived down the street from me. She had a baby girl and being the baby nut that I was, I spent a lot of time at their home. During one of my afternoons at their house, I was introduced to Sculpy, polymer clay.

I turned into a real sculpting nut after that and made all kinds of miniature animals, flowers, beads, and even tiny food. I've been sculpting miniature things ever since. BUT NEVER have I ever considered myself a sculptor. Until I made this horse. Now, I feel like I've arrived. A horse that looks like a horse and not a cartoon! It was a personal accomplishment and one of which I am particularly proud.