This is a work in progress as I need to make many more roses for around the top of the bottom tier. But, it is coming along. This is the cake that will sit in the front window of the bakery.
It's 6 tiers tall and at least 3 feet. When it was up on the counter, I had to stand on a chair and get on my tip toes to reach the top of the cake so I could set the gum paste roses.
The power went out on me while I was up on the chair (due to a Thunderstorm) and I couldn't see ANYTHING! I had just placed some gum paste roses with royal icing and one of the roses was slipping. I was laughing and yelling for a flash light so my rose wouldn't crash down and shatter! ha ha Of course the power came right back on as soon as they had a flash light in hand. God does have a sense of humor!

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