Have a cake shop can be a LOT of fun. It's artistically stimulating, a great outlet for creativity, and offers occasional ego boosts which are essential to female happiness. So, I won't complain about how busy I've been. I'll just play catch up once again and beg your forgiveness if you've come to visit several times over the past few weeks and thought to yourself, "the pretzels still?!!!!".
Cake 1:

This is a Birthday Cake for a gardener. Apparently his efforts are continually undermined by a little brown critter (aka groundhog). His chosen method for dealing with the little offender seems to be a planned attack with a broom in hand. Not sure what he intends to do if he gets close enough. But either way, it makes a cute diorama.

Cake 2:

A five tier buttercream wedding cake delivered to the Four Season's Hotel in Philadelphia. This was 5 tiers of blueberry pound cake with lemon curd filling. Can you say HEAVY??? It was a monster. But a very pretty one! The florist provided lots of fresh flowers for us to add on site. It took almost an hour to get all the flowers trimmed and arranged "just so", but I'm really pleased with the end result. And so was the bride! In fact, I was thrilled to hear that several of the guests requested a 2nd slice of cake. That in and of itself is a wonderful compliment that I was very happy to receive. Congratulations to Meg & Frank!
Cake 3:

My oldest and dearest friend requested this cake for her Mother-in-law's 60th Birthday. Faye is a huge fan of yellow roses so, Kathy requested yellow roses with a white background. I really enjoyed making these roses. Some have a little hint of pink on them, some are more peach and yellow, and some were just plain yellow. I added a little border around the bottom of each tier to pull the yellow down. But I have to say, my favorite part of this cake is the rose topper. I really do like it.
This was pound cake with buttercream filling and blueberry pound with lemon curd filling. Kathy's husband would much rather eat a steak than cake any day. So when he said he really liked the blueberry pound, I almost fell over! Finally! ha ha

Cake 4:

Another buttercream wedding cake. Only this time we mixed it up a bit by changing the color and the texture of the icing on 2 of the tiers. It adds an element of interest and really makes the cake "pop". The flowers were added on site. The toppers were made custom for the bride and groom. This cake was 3 different flavors to give the guests a variety as it was more of a buffet style reception. Congratulations Ashely & Matt!
Happy Baking, Caking, and Decorating!

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