Friday, December 4, 2009

Melted Snowman Sugar Cookies. Just Darling!

If you hadn't already noticed, I really do love the holiday's! Lights, Christmas Music, Decorated Trees, Baked Goods, Family, Jesus Birthday, and plenty of reason's to eat!

I spent 14 hours yesterday going, going, going, to get ready for Saturday's Holiday Craft Shows and prepping for a weekend cake order. It was crazy busy and at the same time, so much fun!

If I can come up with a reason to make a festive holiday treat, I WILL! So here's my latest project. These are melted snowman cookies. I wasn't originally planning to take them to the Glenside show on Saturday but... I can be crazy like that. It helped that when I made the pumpkin cookies for Thanksgiving I doubled the batch and froze the dough.

Aren't they just darling!! If you want to know how to make them, stay tuned. I plan to put together a tutorial for you next week. Enjoy your weekend! The idea for Melted Snowmen cookies was originally thought up by a creative cookie fanatic. You can visit her here:



  1. wow, thank you SO SO much for the mention! I really appreciate spreading the blog love :) bravo to you! Your marshmallow tops are too cute.

  2. So cute, can't wait to see the tutorial on how to make these.

  3. I can wait to see the tutorial for these, they are so precious! I'm going to attempt some on my own for a party, but will be checkign back for the tutorial.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. super cute! I am working on melted snowmen made w/ doughnut holes this week, I think I like these even better!

  6. I made these for my son's class after they read a snowman story. They were a big hit with the kids and adults! Everyone gobbled them right up. Thanks for such a cute idea


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