Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

My mom's 61st Birthday is tomorrow and she loves pound cake with buttercream icing. It's her all time favorite. I recently found an incredible pound cake recipe that is beyond melt in your mouth good!!! I gave her a taste last week and she decided there was no other cake she'd rather have to celebrate her 61st!

She told me just cake with icing smeared on it would be good. BUT you know me! Even though I started icing this cake at 10:30pm tonight, I had to make it pretty! So... it's a little nicer than just pound cake with icing.

Here's a link to the recipe if you are so inclined to try making it. I made it for company this past weekend with a homemade blueberry topping and garnished with whipped cream. That's MY favorite way to eat it!

Gotta love a simple round tip when you want a quick freehand design. Happy Birthday Mom!!!

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