Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bring a little BLING to the party!

It's been such a whirlwind preparing all the elements for the Couture Cake Creator Parties, but I've been loving every moment of it. Everything is so girlie and fun. One thing we want to offer are jewels that the kids can use to make their little mini party cakes. After pricing them online, I quickly realized that the jewels would need to be manufactured by "yours truly" rather than purchased.

My shipment of supplies arrived today and being all impatient and excited, I had to get to work. Here's my first batch of pink gems. I plan to make clear and lavender as well.

I purchased all of my supplies from Country Kitchen Sweet Art.

I went with Isomalt rather than sugar after doing research on both. Isomalt makes a clearer gem and isn't as susceptible to humidity. It wasn't as hard as I thought but I did learn that if you can keep it good and hot while working with it, it's a lot easier. Soon as it cools just a bit, your gems are round instead of full of faceted detail.

If you like the look, try it! My molds came with the recipe and instructions so it wasn't nearly as difficult as I thought it would be.

Happy Baking!


1 comment:

Thanks for choosing to leave a comment for me on Stacey's Sweet Shop. Have a blessed day!